Continuous Improvement is a journey...
The goal?… To get better. Wherever your business is, it can be better, and you can get it there. The following are just few tools that we use to help companies become more effective and more efficient.
Data Analysis for improved results
From professional baseball to delivering packages, statistics are being used all around us. It can be used to benefit your business as well. Where are you losing time? Are your products as profitable as they should be? Are errors causing you to lose money? All of these questions (and more) can be answered. Engineering Balance has the experience to enhance your operation.
Process optimization
Where is the weak link in your organization? Whether you’ve identified your problem or if it’s lurking in the shadows, we have the experience to help you find it, isolate it and eliminate it. We have a proven track record of removing obstacles so that your operation can be more effective. We can help you make your chain stronger.
Part of the Lean Six Sigma philosophy is to ‘Simplify and Perfect’. This can be done in a variety of ways, but you must look at all the pieces of the puzzle to see the big picture. When the DMAIC process is applied correctly it will lead down a powerful path of improvement. Here is a sample of how it works:
Define - What specific problem is hindering your success?
Measure - What information can be gathered to help understand the problem?
Analyze - What insights does the data give?
Improve - How can the data be used to solve the problem?
Control - How can the effectiveness of the improvements be tracked?